Dr. Fred's New Ultimate Stain Removal KitDr Fred’s Innovative Solutions has done it yet again. In his book, The Stain Removal Guide for Stone, Tile and Concrete, Dr Fred recommends numerous formulas for removing all kinds of stains. 

As a contractor, Hueston carried a special kit with only three special chemicals, as well as his secret stain removing techniques to remove the most difficult stains. Now Dr. Fred has put this kit together in one convenient package, and made it available to stone and tile professionals.

The kit includes:

  • Dr. Fred’s Stain Removal Guide (ebook)
  • Three special stain reagents:

1. Organic 

2. Oil, Grease and Ink

3. Rust and Metal


The kit comes with the reagents you need to diagnose and remove most stains on stone, tile, concrete, terrazzo, and almost all hard-porous surfaces. Many of these chemicals are hard to find and are professional strength. Just add your favorite poultice powder (sold separately) to remove the stain. The entire kit is reasonably priced, with distributor pricing and required quantities available on request. 

For more information or to order, contact Dr. Fred at fhueston@gmail.com or call 321-514-6845 for a list of distributors.
See Dr. Fred’s video presentation on stain removal at youtu.be/USB8zx1_9pY .